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How to deal with the oil temperature rise when the hydraulic system is in use
2020-05-14 14:32:27

Hydraulic system is often used in industrial production. Its use function is very complex. When it is used, some small places are not handled well, which will cause some serious consequences. How to deal with when the oil temperature rises?

How to deal with the oil temperature rise when the hydraulic system is in use

  1. Before and after use, the oil level of hydraulic oil can be checked. When adding fuel, it is not allowed to add too much. After use, it is also necessary to check its usage. If the fuel is used up, it will cause great damage to the machine.

2. When the oil temperature rises in the use process, the machine can be stopped properly, not for a long time. After a period of use, the machine can be stopped to rest for a while, or the air can be cleaned regularly.

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